Volunteer With Us!
Like to sing? Want to make some new friends? Eager to do your part to make the world better, happier?
If you answered "yes" and you are a high school student or older, then you may want to become a volunteer member of our MUSIC MAKES ME HAPPY Chorus. See the HOW TO JOIN page for details, and contact the Director to learn more.
As a volunteer member you will be expected to do all that the other members of the chorus do, plus some other tasks as needed (listed below):
Welcome singers as they arrive and help them if needed (with mobility, carrying things, etc.).
Learn the chorus songs well enough to be a leader and an example for others.
Be alert to any needs of members that require attention or assistance during the rehearsal/event.
Get the snacks ready about 5 minutes before snack time.
Assist in set-up and clean-up if needed or solicited.
At concerts, assist with getting people in their assigned concert positions.
* MOST IMPORTANT: Be a kind, enthusiastic, encouraging FRIEND to our 'special' singers!
If you decide to join the chorus as a volunteer, you will be asked to sign the Member Agreement form, along with a Volunteer Registration Form and the Publicity Permission Form.
After visiting the chorus and determining together with the director that it is a good fit, you'll be asked to fill out a registration form and a signature form:
Click here to fill out the Volunteer Registration Form.
Click here to fill out the Volunteer Signature Form (includes Member Agreement, Publicity Permission, and COVID-19 Policies).